Rotoform 4G SC
Precrystallization for subcooling melts

The development of our Rotoform 4G SC supercooling system – combining a precrystallizer with the Rotoform and steel belt cooler – overcomes this problem by producing a homogeneous suspension of crystal nuclei in the melt.
Some melts remain liquid even when cooled below their melting point and are known as subcooling melts. The reason they refuse to crystallize and solidify is the lack of the crystal nuclei needed for these actions to take place.
Since developing this system, we have designed, supplied and installed more than 100 supercooling plants. Each has been a turnkey system, incorporating everything from the precrystallizer to the Rotoform, steel belt cooler and measurement & control equipment.
Such is the proven performance and reliability of our supercooling process that it is now the standard solution for continuous and controlled pastillation of subcooling melts. Indeed, for some melts, this process has proved to be the only method available for producing solid pastilles.
Typical applications for our supercooling process include:
- Agrochemicals
- Photo chemicals
- Plastic additives
- Rubber chemicals
- Stabilizers
Read more about the Rotoform family and other available models.