PCX Extruders – the premium range of twinscrew extruder for powder coating production

The IPCO extruder design team evolved from their experience with the early developments of powder coating clamshell extruders and with their journey from regional to global success in supplying and servicing major brands as well as navigating pitfalls in established designs, they were able to develop to the latest version of their PCX range. The decades long journey has led to what IPCO has demonstrated to be premium extruders in a class of their own.

Key PCX Features:

Optimised Feeding

Clamshell design

“Long Barrel”

Intensive Cooling

Translating Power into Torque into Volumes

PCX Extruder Examples

These extruders can be integrated into a line in a number of ways look into our twin screw extruder specification sheet for options.

Equipment offering

Talk to a powder coating expert

At IPCO, we have decades of experience in continuous production of powder coating. Fill in the form below and let us know how we can help you and your business.